The Florida Breast Cancer Foundation (FBCF) was honored to be part of the 43rd Annual Legislative Conference of the National Caucus of Black State Legislators at the Marriott Harbor Beach Resort in Fort Lauderdale.
Pamela Burnett, FBCF Director of the MASS (Mammograms After Sunday Service) Program, was invited to participate on the panel as a patient advocate guest speaker where she shared her personal story on barriers to health care access during her own journey as a cancer patient and survivor.
Pamela also had the opportunity to speak about the MASS program’s recent award as a Promising Practice by the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) and the positive impact it has had reaching women in communities deemed at high risk for late-stage breast cancer. The MASS program is an FBCF signature health education outreach program which aims to reduce the number of late stage diagnosis in these communities through education and referrals for breast screenings.
Thank you to the National Caucus of Black State Legislators for this opportunity. It is imperative to do all we can to reduce healthcare disparities and ensure everyone has access to information that could potentially save their lives. Thank you to the National Caucus of Black State Legislators for the opportunity to further educate the community.