The Annie Appleseed Project: Evidence-based Natural Strategies to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk aka Natural Strategies to Reduce Risk
Working with community-based organizations around the state, we teach people the information they need to reduce their risk of breast cancer occurrence, recurrence and promote extended healthy survivorship. Our grant covers educating people from diverse Florida communities on the value of combining healthy behaviors to reduce breast cancer risk. We understand, as survivors, family and friends of the community, how to provide information that is accessible, understandable and immediately useful. We work with nutritionists, acupuncturists, nurses, etc. as well as trained advocates to do this in a culturally-sensitive way for each community we speak with.
Bienes Comprehensive Cancer Center at Holy cross Hospital, Inc: Partners in Breast Health
Our present economic climate makes it more challenging for African American and Hispanic women of lower socioeconomic statuses to access care for breast cancer. These barriers include lack of education and awareness about breast cancer, poverty, lack of or inadequate health insurance, poor access to care, racial discrimination, language, lower preventive care utilization, cancer fatalism, and other cultural issues. This project is designed to increase knowledge of breast health care for 250 women and men in Broward County in hope to reduce advanced diagnoses and reduce cancer mortality.
Bosom Buddies of the Women’s Center of Jacksonville: Volunteer Survivor Advocate Program
The Survivor Advocate project provides economically and medically disadvantaged breast cancer survivors with culturally competent volunteer advocates who are trained and educated to help newly diagnosed women play an active role with their healthcare team in making surgical and treatment decisions. Providing education and support for these women assists in closing the gap with regard to mortality rates and the disparities that exist in the healthcare of ethnic and racial minorities and the medically disadvantaged. The Survivor Advocate project brings HOPE (Health, Outreach, Prevention, and Education) to those who need it the most.
Haitian American Nurses Association of Florida: Empower Underserved Haitian Families to play an Active Role in the Promotion of Breast Health for All
The proposed project aims to empower underserved Haitian families to play an active role in Breast Health for all using existing literature provided by ACS, FBCF, Komen and NCI. The project will utilize culturally and linguistically appropriate breast health and breast cancer outreach face to face education to 200 targeted Haitian women 20 to 50 and their families. Creole announcements and educational shows addressing issues on breast health, breast cancer prevention and treatment will be broadcasted on Haitian Radio and Television to promote breast health. Focus groups addressing self-breast examination and importance of early detection will be organized at different churches and schools to evaluate the impact of the program.
Healthy Start Coalition of Manatee County: Up with Wellness-Breast Health Awareness Campaign
Through a community-based, popular education model, the Healthy Start Coalition of Manatee County’s Up With Wellness: Breast Health Awareness Campaign will provide concrete tools and information to empower women and their families to make behavior changes that positively impact their health. Given the serious risk factors associated with breast cancer that are prevalent among the projects targeted underserved Hispanic/Latina and farm worker female population, our Community Health Workers will engage participants in educational activities designed to educate them on their risk factors, cancer screening options, and healthy lifestyle choices that serve as preventive factors.
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research institute Foundation, Inc: Empowering African American, Haitian, and Jamaican Families through Culturally and Linguistically Relevant Breast Health Education in Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties
Moffitt Cancer center in Tampa, Florida proposes to deliver culturally responsive and community-friendly breast health education to underserved women in the Tampa Bay region. The target audience is African American, Haitian, and Jamaican women and families living in Hillsborough and Pinellas counties. Funding will support Moffitt’s efforts in providing life-saving breast health awareness and education in several places in the community, including churches, head start centers, senior centers and community health clinics. We expect to reach 800 women through 50 workshops.
Ribbon Riders, Inc: What to expect after Surgery-a survivors and caregivers guide
What to expect after surgery-a survivors guide project - will be a multi-media presentation of what breast cancer patients and their caregivers should expect after surgery. We believe this innovative breast health education material will alleviate some of the stress that women may have after a “drive-thru mastectomy.” The survivors and caregivers share their stories in booklet form and through video presentations. This presentation covers what to expect in the days after surgery, illustrations and video instructions on how to maneuver after surgery, dealing with emotions, and finding answers to questions you are afraid to ask.
University of Florida College of Medicine- Jacksonville: Public Forum: What Everyone Should Know About Breast Health
The proposed program entitled, “Public Forum: What Everyone Should Know About Breast Health,” is designed to provide a unique educational experience for exchange of scientific information about the latest advances in breast cancer for the community of North Florida. Experts will convene at in a low income region of Duval County. Participants will be invited via advertisements in local newspapers, radio stations as well as flyers disseminated in local churches and grocery stores. The goal is to provide a forum for medically underserved women to learn about breast health via symposia designed specifically for them.